February 5, 2024

3 min read

Prevounce Scholarship Announcement: Sydney Kasner

Prevounce Health, creators of the Prevounce Comprehensive Remote Patient Care Management Program Platform, congratulates Sydney Kasner, recipient of the third annual Prevounce Preventive Health Graduate Scholarship.

Sydney Kasner HSThe Prevounce Preventive Health Graduate Scholarship was open to students entering or already established in an accredited, U.S.-based graduate program who are pursuing a career in medicine, nursing, and/or public health. Kasner is originally from Lincoln City, Ore. She currently attends Keck Graduate Institute in Claremont, California, where she is pursuing her Master of Science in physician assistant studies.

Q: How did you develop an interest in healthcare?

Sydney Kasner: I have always had a curious mind, with a compassionate heart and an interest in problem-solving. Medicine felt like a good fit, but I knew definitively after my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in her early 40s. She had known about her breast lump for years, but she didn't have insurance and was working for minimum wage with two kids at home. She finally got a mammogram when it became free under the Affordable Care Act. I watched her go through aggressive chemotherapy, radiation therapy, multiple surgeries, and constant problems that followed her from treatment to the grave. Her many barriers to healthcare inspired me to create change in medicine as a provider, and after years of working in hospitals and clinics, I knew I specifically wanted to be a physician assistant (PA).

As a future PA, I am determined to prevent others from falling through the cracks, and I find no greater purpose than helping people stay healthy.

Q: What are your career ambitions in healthcare?

SK: After completing my physician assistant education and credentialing, I intend to immediately work in primary care or internal medicine within my hometown (Lincoln City). While working full time, I intend to take the time to complete a Doctor of Medical Science so that I may maximize my opportunities and impacts in rural health. Clinically, I am open to a variety of possibilities as long as I am able to deeply serve each patient that trusts me with their care. I am sure I will continue in leadership and advocacy roles as I always have. Later in my career, I aspire to serve on the Oregon Medical Board and hold a position in hospital administration. 

Q: How do you hope your work will impact the future of preventive health?

SK: I plan to return to my hometown after graduating. Lincoln City is a rural, medically underserved town with just over 10,000 residents. Our community, like many other rural areas, experiences frequent disruptions in care due to retiring providers, rotating locums, and difficulty recruiting new providers. I will be able to serve as a primary care provider, which will directly impact access to preventive care for thousands of people throughout my career. As a local resident myself, patients will not need to worry about me going anywhere. 

Additionally, my unique prior experience as a city councilor in Lincoln City brings me a deeper understanding of the various needs within my community. Maintaining a larger scale perspective while considering individual patient needs will allow me to better advocate for the needs of my patients. 

Q: How will receiving the scholarship help with achieving your academic and/or professional goals?

SK: Graduate school is quite expensive, and scholarships are few and far between. When I learned I was the recipient of the Prevounce Preventive Health Graduate Scholarship, I felt a tremendous sense of gratitude and relief. This scholarship allows me to decrease my loan burden and the stress that goes along with significant debt. Instead, I can focus all of my attention on learning medicine. I am so grateful to be the recipient of this scholarship, and I will work hard to make Prevounce proud.

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